Friday, October 2, 2009

Jon Casablancas Modeling and Career School

I have officially been enrolled to go to Jon Casablancas Modeling and Career School in Carry!!! I will be going every Saturday from 3-5pm. I am so excited and can't wait! How did this happen? Well I'll tell you. On October 1 (yesterday), I went to an LA Talent Scouting. I found out through an advertisement postcard sent to my sister. Anyways, the scouts were looking for actors, singers, models, and etc. So my mom and I decided that we would go give it a try.
See, I've already decided that I was planning on going into the industry, whether it be music or filming. Music is really what I wanted to do, but acting I've also always wanted to do. I figured what do I got to lose? So we went.
Now, I am not going to lie. When I went to the scouting, I got a real cultural experience... Let's just say that it was very... ghetto. So anyways, I got in line to get my head-shot taken. The line took FOREVER. It was finally my turn when they told everyone in line to get their picture taken should have a seat. One of the ladies who was part of scouting saw that I was frustrated that I had waited and line forever and not gotten my picture taken, and said something that shocked me. She said, "You'll get to be the first one to walk down the runway then." Excuse, me!? No one had said anything about a runway! Sure enough, when my mom and I went and took our seats, at the front of the room was a long platform about 1 foot off the ground that was most definitely a runway. I wanted to leave, but, no dice. My mom wasn't backing out now. In the meantime, the leader of the LA talent scouting spoke to us about the company and what they stood for. They were surely legit and one of the people they discovered was Kristen Stewart of Twilight. Pretty cool.
After that, it was time for the runway. Gulp... So we all lined up, of course I didn't take advantage of my privilage to be first in line and I stayed a few people behind, making me around the tenth person. The runway was surprisingly easy, and not that big of a deal. Not embarrassing at all. I was myself. Not blah, and not over the top (unlike the majority--all-- of the people-- I'm not be over-dramatic either...). It was really fun. Then when I got off the runway I went over and talked to the talent people. They asked me stuff like, how what am I interested in and how long; and what are my grades in school. Pretty simple. Anyways, what they would do is grade A, B, or C. Like in school. A is if you have professional experience and are ready to be signed and etc. B was if you are what they are looking for but need a little more experience and with some training with them, they could sign you. C is if they can't use you at all. And I got the highest you could get without experience and that is a B+. I am so excited! I was then scheduled for a call-back the next day at 5pm.
The call-back was great. I got to sing for them and everything. They LOVED it!!! They then wanted to enroll me in their school. My mom was 100% supportive of it and enrolled me right away. After 2 sessions, I can go to auditions and/or get signed. Now, it's all in God's hands. :) Let His Will be done.

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